Blogging in the Bath VS Tweeting in the Tub!

Bubbles n Tweets

My bath bloggin effort.

Tweeting in the Tub

I thought toilet tweets were weird enough.

Take #FM4 (Family Member 4).

I know something is going down on the ‘Throne’ [No pun intended] when I hear the voice of Tyrion Lannister echoing from the behind the toilet door.

Do any of you watch Game of Thrones on your Ipad while seated on the toilet? How about toilet Tweets?

Mr OM blogs in the bathtub. He said it was relaxing. He also drinks beer in the tub –  while blogging. 

I ordinarily do not drink alcohol. I’m not sure I will give it a try while laying in a deep pool of water, holding a $1200 device in my hands.

Is anyone else in my little circle of friends a Bathtub Blogger?

92 responses to “Blogging in the Bath VS Tweeting in the Tub!

  1. I know blogging or tweeting is fun but doing during those times are quite extreme. I can’t see there is rush or lively interacts. For watching a movie on a tablets can easily be paused (perhaps there it is a live casting).

    I hope it does not happen to me 🙂

    • A few people have said that.. LOL.. Might be an issue to tweet from the shower – unless you had water proof casing for your technology.

      Last year I wore my wireless Logitech Headset into the shower – expensive lesson. I like Buble, though trying to shower with him was a big mistake!

  2. I like the idea of blogging, tweeting, watching TV from the tub but until I get all of these installed securely, I wouldn’t risk accidentally frying up my tech babies in the tub. 😀

  3. I only have a silly shallow 1/2 bath in my current house, so I mostly shower and blogging from there might end in tears Maybe if I learned how to comment using a mirror and a complicated arrangement of levers and an ipad pen? Plans are afoot for a giant spa corner bath – I may have to also design an ipad plinth especially for the bath blogging task 🙂

  4. I never attempted the Bathtub Blogging, but being in a relaxed space or water, and being inspired to write is beautiful. I think i tweeted in the tub before though. 🙂

  5. I could not risk my ipad or iphone in the bath. I don’t know if wither are waterproof, but don’t really want to find out! 🙂

    • Right, So what you are saying is, doing whatever it is that you do on the toilet, does not leave you relaxed and calm enough to write an entire blog, BUT you do have those serene seconds where you are able to Tweet!

      *giggling* Yes, sounds like many of us could relate!

      Thanks so much for the visit and the comment, Clinton 🙂

      • lol.. Cant stop laughing… Blogging elsewhere apart from my room is not my thing. Unless i don’t anyone to know am at home, then i can “hide” there and blog 🙂

  6. Well I can’t say I’ve ever tweeted from the throne nor have I blogged while in the bathroom. Sometimes I read a book while on the toilet, but not my Kindle. A old fashion book. Maybe that makes me old fashion.

  7. Nice reading about you

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  8. I just don’t see how “Game of Thrones” would ever work for me after this post. As a virgin to the critical and its requisite acclaim…I just cannot imagine taking the plunge.

    • LMAO!! *giggling* I’m quite sure I feel exactly the same way, or at least I would if I had not seen it already!

      Great comment, thanks so much for visiting!

    • LMAO.. *giggling* I will tell FM4 that and he will feel vindicated. I threatened to Facebook him with a video of me sitting outside the toilet door recording as Game of Thrones was playing and he was making expletives expressing his displeasure at the direction of the storyline!

      Glad we are not the only ones! I am sure Mr OM will feel rather vindicated as well! LOL

  9. I would consider trying it however I have a bad thing with dropping electronics in liquids, also baths are not something I excel at, once I master the art of waterproofing paper though I will consider writing drafts in the shower !

  10. Ha! You two are hilarious!!! I am not a bathtub blogger. I write in bed, almost always– and sometimes with a glass of wine. Although spilling wine in the tub would be a whole lot easier to clean up…

    • I would write in bed, if my laptop wasn’t on the fritz.

      I’ll be giving bath blogging a tub tweeting another go I reckon, or at least responding to and making comments.

      Either in the bath or in bed, or sitting up, I wouldn’t try blogging and drinking simultaneously. I get drunk after 1 glass of wine. lol

Whaddya Reckon?