A Life Lesson…

A Life Lesson

Something I came across yesterday from the amazing JPS  (I recommend everyone I know follow her on Facebook, she is truly inspiring)

We DO have the ability to see people beyond their mistakes, and we represent ourselves as ignorant when we CHOOSE not to. 

‘I learned a big lesson yesterday. I made an unlikely alliance with someone whom I had considered an enemy. I realized that I made a conclusion about this person based on one incident as a protection mechanism.

When we look at one action of a person and immediately label them based on that one incident not only are we misrepresenting that person, but we are representing ourselves as limited when we have the ability to see people beyond their mistakes, especially when they are willing and capable of showing us something different.

I learned that the conclusions that I made about this person didn’t make me safe, they made me limited and ignorant. 
To my new alliance, thank you for the lesson. I hope we find space to be friends.’

We DO have the ability to see people beyond their mistakes, and we represent ourselves as ignorant when we CHOOSE not to.  This is a hard but valuable lesson – for those that have learnt it. Those who haven’t, consider how much you might be missing out on!

Surround yourself

76 responses to “A Life Lesson…

  1. Just awesome, and love it! May this be a reminder that those we come into contact with the future, that it takes time to truly know someone and their intentions. I can totally relate and have been there myself! Can I say you are just awesome? I truly look forward to more of what you can share!

  2. I am meeting with someone this week with whom I’ve had some conflicts and wildly different perspectives – I just want to find some common ground with her. I found this post at a really good time! I think bickering with her in front of others is absolutely useless, and although the one-on-one might be a little difficult, just meeting her “head on” might help somewhat. We shall see!

  3. It takes time to get to know people. I guess we should only judge people over time. There is a woman in my office who drives me nuts. Every day is hard work – for both of us. Anytime she opens her mouth I can feel my mental barriers go up. I’ve had to work hard to overcome that one – it’s a work in progress. We all make mistakes – we’re all assholes at times. That’s the truth of it! It’s called being human I guess.

    • I agree.. lol we can most certainly all be fungus critters! (I’m trying to train myself not to use the word asshole so I don’t ever make the mistake of letting it slip around the kids.. lol)

      I think there is opportunity when we encounter people who piss us off or disappoint us – we’ve been delivered a challenge to work out how to move passed it, or come up with strategies that prevent us from poking them in the eye with a buttery crumpet because they wont shut up!

      Thanks for your insights 🙂


  4. I reckon … that you are truly a rockstar in more than one ways, lady. Giving a whole new dimension to the phrase “keep your enemies closer” and opening the eyes of us mortals makes me wonder am I in the company of a Goddess. I love the way you write and a lot of other things too. However, on a completely different tangent, this post tells me that you are on Facebook …. ummmm!!! 😉

  5. I just love this post. I love happy endings and mending fences. I usually don’t forgive and if I do I usually regret it! I’m glad you stuck you neck out there and mended the relationship! I am sure you are more successful for it!

    • Hi Jasmine, Thanks for commenting 🙂 This post was only in part mine. the quoted section was actually written by Jada Pinkett Smith.

      She often writes amazing tid bits on her Facebook page that really inspire thought.

      To be honest I do not really have anyone that I would consider my enemy. Though I have had people who I have had some difficulty providing with second and subsequent chances to demonstrate who they are.

      I am guilty of being judgmental and quick to assume and this brought to my attention this is something I need to focus on.

      Thanks for dropping by 🙂

      Miss Lou

      • I get WAY to judgmental and MEAN sometimes. I have been trying lately to not say something so harshly. if they were here how would I put it.
        I guess I got this way because I have been pretty isolated lately being a stay at home mommy. Isolation is a big key I think.
        Wonderful post I really like your blog!

    • Thank you for your comment 🙂 This is about finding it within ourselves to see more in a person than the sum total of one negative experience.

      Yes absolutely, sometimes that does mean we need to move out of our own close knit circles of friends and provide those opportunities for others to show us their good bits too!

      • Definitely all is true, but we do form a certain perception about people if we have a bad experience with them and destroy all ties with that person.
        But on the other hand you did exactly the opposite and gave your friend a second chance and found certain good qualities in him or her. Bravo! I must say that you are really kind and I respect the people who can look beyond 🙂

      • The quote is from JPS, although I do like to think I can forgive and look beyond, I know that is not always the case.

        I think it is a working progress really. Sometimes it is easier than others eh!

        I think it is much harder on those occasions you are VERY emotionally invested!

        Thanks for taking the time to comment, Juned 🙂

        Miss Lou

  6. Definitely a great life lesson if not one of the hardest 🙂 surrounding yourself with the right positive people rather than the toxic negative.

    • 😀 Thanks for dropping by 🙂 How have you been? I’ve been struggling to even find time to respond to my bloggie comments, let along make progress with theme hospital!

      Miss Lou

      • Hey 🙂 I have been ok, the weather turning decidedly English over the last week and getting drenched several times have been a low point lol

        I haven’t been able to play much theme hospital lately either, I will catch up though I promise you that 😉

        How have you been lately? Everything good?

        Dave x

      • I’m wonderful pretty much.. though working ridiculous hours! *happy happy Joy Joy dance* lol

        Its about to get to the rainy season here in darwin.. YAY.. so its either hot or wet (groans at humidity)

        Take care Dave!

        Miss Lou

      • Not good on the ridiculous hours! Are you at least getting compensated with extra monneee?

        I hear ya about the humidity, during our heatwave it was an absolute pain in the arse to sleep, who would have thought air con was a useful thing to have lol

        Hey though warm rain isn’t so bad is it? 😉

        Take it easy Lou!

        Dave x

      • Thanks Dave! Additional fund-age from additional work is forthcoming, however, one has to consider how much it is worth if you never slow down to actually spend it eh!

        At this point, any kinda rain would be welcome..

        Hope you are well!

        Miss Lou

      • Hey Lou!

        Yeah I’ve been good, been a bit of a slow day though watching movies rubbish and good etc.
        Indeed you need to be able to slow down enough to be able to spend your hard earned notes, that’s what its good for! 😉

        Im so glad the heat wave has broken here, cant be dealing with muggy weather at the moment lol

        although has it forced you to slow down somewhat? Hope so! 🙂

        Dave x

      • Coincidentally, Cammy, my gorgeous 7 Year old has slowed me down. He is unwell and has the week off school. I fell asleep next to him on Garfield, my recliner yesterday afternoon.

      • Oh dear 😦 I expect he felt better with you there 🙂 it also sounds a lot more fulfilling than me watching shit movies lol

        Dave x

  7. Thanks for stopping by. It’s great to have others see the greatness in you; and even greater to call out the gold in others! Keep shining. Blessings. God is Good!

  8. Good point. I’m pretty working my way through this phase as well. It’s interesting though, sometimes you extend that olive branch and as it turns out, they are not as willing. What the hell?! 😉

    • That’s totally fungus when that happens.. lol

      There is a lesson in that however, and I reckon it has something to do with doing things because you know it to be the right thing to do, NOT because you have an expectation of them to reciprocate!

      Brings it back to; we cannot control other people and are not responsible for their behaviour, BUT we can control ourselves.

      Most of the time…


    • G’day Ankur, 🙂

      Good point? The bit about seeing more to a person than an impression created by a negative event or experience?

      Re the bit about people seeing greatness in you;

      People are made up of many parts. Some great, others, not so much. For me the phrase refers to surrounding yourself with people who see both, and maintain that relationship with you regardless.

      People who see greatness in you can also see areas for improvement, and they CAN provide that feedback coming from a place of honesty, integrity and love.

      Those are the people I’d like to see in my life, but the reality is, that we cannot pick and choose all we come into contact with, and the people who aren’t so supportive – well they can also be a great opportunity improve on your interpersonal skills generally. Either way, in my opinion, it’s a win/win scenario – IF you DECIDE it is going to be.

      Seeing more in a person that their bad bits is a choice, in my opinion. You are going to find what you are looking for, pretty much.

    • Not mine – Jada Pinkett Smiths (except for the ad libs) but they were all inspired by her as well.. lol

      I love it when I meet people who say just what I am thinking, in the way I’d like to say it, but just cannot seem to find the words!

      *huggles susan* It’s great to see you again!

      Miss Lou

      • I’ve just been working ridiculous hours, and so busy with commitments for football clubs and events…. Though I did get to go on a mini vacation! Might post some pictures perhaps. How have you been?

  9. This is so real. I see people from all walks of life every day at my job. I’m constantly having my assumption blown up in my face. This is such a valuable life lesson. Thanks for the reminder 🙂

  10. Awwww, Thank you! I appreciate the prayers as always. As well as the encouragement. I have no doubt I could handle the job, just need that phone to ring. He said he would call ‘today or tomorrow” yesterday! 🙂 It would make a HUGE difference for us!

    • *huggles you Cheryl* Wonderful to see you! I have been so busy with work and committees, I don’t get on here to spend time with you guys as much as I would like!

      I hope things are going well for you guys!

      JPS’s words really struck a chord with me after I considered the way I ended my first relationship, and the reasoning surrounding it. I wouldn’t change it, as I learnt a great lesson, one not realised until about 9 years afterwards! Love how that happens! Took a while for my light to come on, BUT I got there in the end eh!.. lol

      • yes and no. MUCH better in the overall sense. SO PRAISE GOD, still struggling BUT we remain hopeful. I had a job interview yesterday and I am hoping to hear something today. Ron is vending at a GUNSHOW this weekend, where he will make a percentage on sales. ??? A Lot of hurry up and wait. As far as the fundraising. We are almost 2/3s to goal. There are needs still left on the table. Sighs. All we can DO is keep trying. Smiles!

      • I’ll say another prayer for you both! When you stop and consider how far you have come, and the lessons you have learnt, you have done remarkable things, and provided people with the opportunity to share their own remarkable bits with you!

        I hope so much that you get the job you interviewed for. I’ve no doubt you would do fantastically at it.

        Miss Lou
        xox ♥

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